Why video series?

Influencer Insights Newsletter #63

Influencer Insights 63


Whether for educational purposes, entertainment, or just to engage more deeply with your audience, starting a video series can have a multitude of benefits.

Let’s explore the reasons and best practices that can make your series a hit.

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Why video series?

1. Increased engagement

Video series have a unique way of boosting viewer interaction. By delivering content in a series format, you encourage viewers to return, eagerly anticipating the next episode. This naturally leads to an increase in likes, comments, and shares as engagement builds over time.

Moreover, hosting live streams or premiere events as part of your series can create a live interaction buzz, allowing you to connect directly with your audience, gather real-time feedback, and strengthen community ties.

2. Consistency builds trust

One of the core benefits of a video series is the development of a regular posting schedule that viewers can rely on. This consistency helps in building a loyal audience as viewers start to see your channel as a dependable source of content.

In addition to increasing viewer retention, a consistent and predictable release schedule also helps to build trust—a critical component for any influencer or business hoping to develop a sizable fan base.

3. Enhanced brand recognition

A video series is an excellent tool for enhancing brand recognition. Maintaining a uniform visual style and overarching theme for every episode helps your brand get ingrained in the minds of viewers.

This consistency helps viewers easily recognize your content and brand, whether they stumble upon it on social media or see it shared by a friend. Over time, this recognition can translate into greater brand loyalty and a larger following.

Types of video series

1. Educational series

Educational series are incredibly valuable, especially when they consistently deliver engaging, high-quality content that provides real value to the viewer. Such series position you or your brand as an authority in your field, fostering trust and respect.

2. Entertainment/Funny series

Incorporating humor into your video series can be a powerful way to attract and retain an audience. Funny series tend to lighten the mood and can make even the most complex or dry subjects enjoyable.

You may reach a wider audience and improve the accessibility and appeal of your material by producing a series that is both entertaining and educational. This method can assist create a laid-back and interesting environment that entices users to share your content, in addition to improving learning.

Best practices for creating a successful video series

1. Understanding your audience

Knowing who your viewers are and what they seek from your content is the cornerstone of any successful video series. It’s important to analyze your audience’s demographics, preferences, and viewing habits. This insight will guide you in tailoring your content’s style, whether it’s educational, humorous, or a blend of both, to meet the specific tastes and needs of your viewers.

2. Content planning

Effective content planning is essential for any video series. Let’s get a more detail view about this:

Scripting and storyboarding:

 Scripting: Before filming, write a detailed script for each episode. This script should include dialogue, scene descriptions, and important points to cover. For an educational series, it might outline key lessons and learning outcomes; for an entertainment series, it could detail jokes, plot points, and character interactions.

 Storyboarding: Create storyboards to visualize scenes and transitions. This helps plan out camera angles, lighting, and movement within each scene, ensuring a smoother production process.

Scheduling and publishing:

 Production schedule: Establish a timeline for shooting, editing, and post-production. This helps manage time efficiently, especially if you’re working with a team or external contributors.

 Publishing calendar: Develop a consistent publishing schedule. Decide whether episodes will be released weekly, biweekly, or monthly, and stick to it. This regularity helps build audience anticipation and habit.

Innovating content:

 New topics: Regularly introduce new themes or subjects to keep the content fresh. For example, if your series is about technology, you could explore new innovations, interview thought leaders, or discuss emerging trends to keep your audience engaged.

 Changing formats: Experiment with different video formats, such as Q&A sessions, how-tos, or behind-the-scenes episodes. This variation can keep your audience interested and attract new viewers.

 Guest appearances: Invite guests to bring new perspectives and expertise. This not only diversifies the content but also expands your reach to include the guest’s audience.

3. Technical aspects

While the thought of handling technical aspects can be scary, you don’t need state-of-the-art equipment to start. Basic camera equipment and editing software are sufficient for producing high-quality videos, especially when starting out.

However, don’t compromise on audio and visual quality; poor quality can detract from even the most compelling content. Investing in good lighting and clear sound can significantly boost the professional feel of your videos.

4. Promotion and distribution

Effectively promoting your video series can significantly increase its reach and impact. Utilize every channel at your disposal, from social media platforms and email newsletters to collaborations with other creators. Additionally, optimizing your videos for search engines through well-thought-out titles, descriptions, and tags can greatly enhance your visibility and attract new viewers.

Creating a video series is exciting and can bring substantial benefits, from enhanced engagement to stronger brand loyalty.

So why wait? Start planning, get creative, and let the cameras roll!

 🔥 Influencer shoutout

Kristel Klein is a UK and Estonia-based personal trainer and online coach, known for her engaging “FIT & FUN life blog” on Instagram. With 10.7K followers, she shares workout tips, motivational content, and insights into her fitness journey. Kristel actively promotes her workout community, encouraging followers to join and benefit from her expert guidance, making fitness accessible and enjoyable.

🔥 New brand on Social Cat

Koi Girl, a Perth-based brand, creatively upcycles vintage silk kimono and obi fabrics into unique, handcrafted fashion accessories. Emphasizing sustainability and ethical fashion, their product range includes bespoke handbags, clutches, and versatile scarves, blending traditional beauty with contemporary style, ideal for eco-conscious consumers.

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