• Influencer Insights Newsletter
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  • πŸ‡«πŸ‡· New influncers guidelines from France|🌎 Will everyone else follow? | βš’οΈ From a job to a content creator | πŸ“Ž Taxes for micro-influencers

πŸ‡«πŸ‡· New influncers guidelines from France|🌎 Will everyone else follow? | βš’οΈ From a job to a content creator | πŸ“Ž Taxes for micro-influencers

Influencer Insights Newsletter #11

Hey everyone,

Welcome to another edition of the Influencer Insights Newsletter.

In the face of global uncertainties and instability, one may wonder if influencer marketing is at risk of being negatively affected. With constant changes in the socio-political and economic landscapes, it is crucial to consider how these factors may impact the future of influencer marketing and the industry's resilience amidst these challenges.

As we navigate through these turbulent times, it is important to stay informed and adaptable, ensuring that influencer marketing continues to thrive and adapt to the ever-evolving global context.

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What’s this newsletter all about?

  • Does France entail new guidelines for influencers? Will other countries follow? πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

  • What are the jobs that can help you have an easier transition to a content creator? βš’οΈ

  • A few tax law points you should know as a content creator πŸ““

  • Meet Kaleo, one of the best influencers on Social Cat πŸ”

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πŸ‡«πŸ‡· What is France doing? Will it affect the entire industry?

The French government is taking this issue seriously and is working closely with the Ministry of Economy to assess the situation and provide further consultation on the matter. This follows numerous deputies submitting complaints about a draft bill seeking government support to introduce new legislation.

The new bill defines a β€œpaid influencer” as someone who gains a reputation through the content they share and promotes products in exchange for money or other benefits. Influencers meeting these criteria will be required to follow specific rules.

One significant change involves influencers disclosing whether their content is filtered or edited using tools like Photoshop. This disclosure must always be visible on the relevant post.

The French parliament aims to protect social media users from mental health issues such as depression, anorexia, and bulimia rather than punishing influencers. The bill also outlines restrictions on influencer activities, such as promoting cosmetic surgery or counterfeit goods and services.

As France takes significant steps to regulate social media influencers, it raises the question: "Will other countries follow suit?" It is plausible that nations worldwide may consider implementing similar regulations to protect their citizens from deceptive practices and safeguard mental health.

As social media continues to grow in influence, governments might see the need for stricter guidelines that promote transparency and ethical behavior among influencers. Monitoring the global response to France's new legislation will be essential in understanding whether this approach could become a widespread trend in the coming years.

Do you believe things like these could have an impact on the entire industry?

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βš’οΈ Do you know someone having any of these jobs?

This section will discuss the top jobs that can offer a seamless transition to becoming an influencer. The skills and experiences gained from these roles can be directly applied to building and maintaining a successful personal brand, making it easier for you to establish yourself in the influencer space.

  1. Content Creator: Content creators, such as writers, photographers, videographers, or graphic designers, have a deep understanding of creating engaging and visually appealing content. This skill set can be utilized to produce high-quality content that attracts and retains followers on social media platforms.

  2. Social Media Manager: As a social media manager, you're familiar with growing and maintaining online communities, optimizing content for engagement, and analyzing performance metrics. These skills can help you strategize and manage your own online presence effectively as an influencer.

  3. Digital Marketing Specialist: A background in digital marketing (SEO, PPC, email marketing, etc.) equips you with the knowledge to promote your content and personal brand more effectively. You'll be able to reach a larger audience and build brand partnerships more easily.

  4. Public Relations Specialist: PR specialists understand how to build and maintain positive relationships with the media, brands, and audiences. This skill set can be valuable when trying to enhance your reputation as an influencer and securing collaborations with brands.

  5. Blogger/Vlogger: Bloggers and vloggers already have experience creating content and engaging with an audience. This experience can help you build your personal brand as an influencer and leverage your existing followers to grow your social media presence.

  6. Brand Ambassador: As a brand ambassador, you have a history of promoting products and services to your network. This experience can be valuable when collaborating with brands and promoting products as an influencer, as you understand the importance of authenticity and relatability.

  7. Niche Expert: If you have professional expertise in a specific niche, such as fashion, beauty, wellness, fitness, or travel, you can leverage this knowledge to establish yourself as an authority in that field. This expertise will help you stand out among other influencers and create content that provides value to your audience.

We acknowledge that not everyone agrees with the idea of becoming an influencer, and some may argue that we shouldn't encourage people to pursue this path but rather seek "real jobs." However, we believe that influencers hold a unique and valuable role in society.

They possess the ability to shape opinions, inspire creativity, and contribute to discussions on a wide range of topics. While the influencer career path may not be suitable for everyone, it is essential to recognize and appreciate the positive impact influencers can have on their audience and the communities they serve.

πŸ“Ž Check out these Tax Laws

While the information provided in this section is particularly applicable to influencers based in the United States, it's essential to note that individual circumstances and local tax laws may vary. As a result, we highly recommend that creators consult with a tax professional before taking any action based on the information discussed here.

  • Influencers are classified as self-employed, not employees of brands or agencies.

  • As independent contractors, they must make quarterly estimated tax payments and pay the full 15.3% self-employment tax.

  • Influencers receive Form 1099s from contracted entities and follow similar tax procedures as small business owners.

  • They can deduct ordinary and necessary business expenses from gross receipts to calculate taxable income.

  • Common deductible costs include home office expenses, travel expenses, internet bills, computer equipment, business website costs, and promotional items.

  • Expenses must be exclusively for work or business uses; only the business portion of mixed-use expenses is deductible.

  • Keeping good records to support deductions is crucial.

Read more on Bakerinstitute.org

Does this apply to micro-influencers?!

Yes, the tax implications and regulations discussed generally apply to all influencers, including micro-influencers. Although micro-influencers typically have a smaller following, they still generate income and receive in-kind compensation for promoting products and services.

As a result, they should adhere to the same tax reporting and compliance requirements as larger influencers.

However, the specific tax implications and situations for each influencer may vary depending on their individual circumstances, location, and the nature of their activities. It is always recommended for influencers, including micro-influencers, to consult with a tax professional to ensure they are correctly reporting their income and expenses.

Check out the video below. It might help you:

πŸ”₯ New brand on Social Cat

Illum is a brand that firmly believes in the power of natural beauty and the importance of being mindful about what we apply to our skin. Ilum advocates for a no-compromise approach to beauty, emphasizing that the best way is always the natural way.

πŸ”₯ Influencer shoutout

Being an effective micro-influencer is exemplified by Kaleo. While her follower count of nearly 8,000 may not seem substantial, her impressive track record of completing over 100 collaborations speaks volumes. We must acknowledge her remarkable accomplishments in this field. Fantastic!

See ya next time. Cheers!

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