πŸŒƒ Influencers' future | πŸŽ’How can we prepare πŸ“ˆπŸ”„πŸ—ΊοΈ

Influencer Insights Newsletter #25

Hello everyone!

Even as someone who's thrilled by the rapid pace of technological advancement, it can be quite overwhelming at times. We're seeing autonomous cars, advanced AI, innovative robots, and groundbreaking ideas turning into reality - it's safe to say that the future has arrived.

But amidst all these changes, one question arises - what does the future hold for the influencer landscape?

Today’s main focus is on:

  • πŸ“ˆ The rise of the virtual influencers

  • πŸ”„ Changing audience perceptions and expectations

  • πŸ—ΊοΈ Future influencer demographics

  • πŸŽ’ How can we prepare

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πŸ“ˆ The rise of the virtual influencer

  • Virtual influencers, created entirely in the digital space, have become a significant trend in influencer marketing, gaining substantial popularity over recent years. Examples include Lil Miquela, Shudu, and Seraphine.

  • These AI-powered personalities offer brands control over every aspect of an influencer's persona and content, leading to highly customized and targeted campaigns.

  • The future of influencer marketing may see an increased prevalence of these entities, given their advantages such as immunity to personal scandals, agelessness, and omnipresence.

However, several potential challenges and questions arise:

  • Will audiences continue to engage with entities they know are not real, and how will this impact the importance of authenticity in influencer marketing?

  • The increased accessibility of AI technology could lead to a surge in virtual influencers, potentially creating an oversaturated market and making it harder for individual entities to stand out.

  • Ethical and regulatory considerations will need to be addressed, including guidelines for partnership disclosures, intellectual property rights, and the use of personal data in AI development.

It will require a careful, considered approach to maintain the authenticity and trust inherent in successful influencer marketing. More research is needed to fully understand this evolving trend.

πŸ”„ Changing audience perceptions and expectations

Audiences are becoming more sophisticated in their understanding of influencer marketing. This has implications for:


  • In the past, a large following and regular sponsored content were sufficient for success. Now, audiences demand more: genuine connection, real personalities, and sincere interactions.

  • Future influencers may need to balance sponsored content with meaningful posts that offer insight into their lives and align with their values, meeting the expectations of their audiences.


  • With growing awareness of influencer marketing, audiences demand transparency, including clear disclosures about sponsored content.

  • The future may see an increased emphasis on transparency, possibly extending into open discussions about influencer-brand relationships and the commercial aspects of content creation.

Content Evolution

  • The rise of new platforms and the evolution of established ones are shifting the types of content influencers share.

  • Future trends may lean towards raw, immersive content such as live streams, behind-the-scenes footage, and interactive posts, providing audiences with a more authentic, relatable view of influencers' lives.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Future influencer demographics

The demographics of influencers are constantly changing. We can anticipate further shifts in:


  • Historically, many influencers have been young, reflecting high social media usage among younger demographics.

  • However, there's an increasing number of successful influencers in older demographics. Over the next 5-10 years, we may see a continued broadening of age ranges among influencers as more people in their 40s, 50s, and beyond become influential on social media.


  • As audiences seek authenticity and relatability, we may see a rise in influencers from diverse backgrounds - different races, cultures, abilities, and socioeconomic statuses.

  • Influencers who bring unique perspectives, such as those from various professions, hobbies, or life experiences, may gain increased visibility.


  • While major cities have traditionally been influencer hubs, future influencers may be more geographically diverse due to the rise of remote work and decentralization.

  • Brands may seek partnerships with local influencers to engage audiences in specific markets.

πŸŽ’ How can we prepare?

  1. Embrace Diversity: Influencers can demonstrate inclusivity in their content, embracing a broad range of ages, backgrounds, and locations in their narratives and collaborations.

  2. Adapt to Audience: Recognizing that their audience might be diverse, influencers can adapt their content to appeal to varying demographics, focusing on shared interests and universal themes.

  3. Maintain Authenticity: As audiences demand more authenticity, influencers should strive for genuine connections and interactions. Being honest, showing real aspects of life, and sharing personal passions can help maintain and build trust.

  4. Transparency: With audiences expecting clear disclosure about sponsored content, influencers should openly communicate about brand partnerships, sponsored content, and their relationships with companies. This honesty will help maintain trust and credibility.

  5. Content Evolution: Influencers should keep up with the latest trends on social media platforms and be prepared to experiment with new types of content. Keeping content fresh and engaging will be key to retaining and attracting followers.

  6. Understanding AI: As virtual influencers become more common, human influencers will need to understand the technology and its implications. They might even consider collaborating with virtual influencers or exploring ways to use AI in their own content.

  7. Maintaining a Human Touch: Despite the rise of virtual influencers, there will always be a demand for human connection and experience. Influencers should double down on what makes them uniquely human – their experiences, emotions, stories, and personal interactions.

  8. Ethics and Regulations: As AI and virtual influencers continue to evolve, influencers should stay updated on the ethical considerations and regulations surrounding this technology to ensure they're compliant and respectful of their audience's expectations.

 πŸ”₯ New brand on Social Cat

Super Snack Pack is centered around providing healthy and enjoyable snack options, cultivated from the firsthand experience of two parents raising their young children. It advocates for the positive impact of nutrition on overall health, behavior, and happiness. The brand promotes a balance of fun and health, offering a wide range of snacks that are both tasty and nutritionally sound. Their aim is not just to sell snacks, but to share their personal journey of discovery and health-conscious choices with other families.

πŸ”₯ Influencer shoutout

Sasha Bshetyn is a New York-based digital creator and influencer with a following of 13.2K. She is known for her content focused on lifestyle, travel, fashion, and beauty, providing her followers with a glimpse into her vibrant world through her 207 posts

Thank you for reading! See you next time!

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