πŸš€ Boosting influencer opportunities | πŸ‘ͺ Parental consent | ↔️ De-influencing

Influencer Insights Newsletter #12

Hey everyone,

Another week, another edition of Influencer Insights. We're back to keep you up to date with the latest trends, news, and tips in the ever-evolving world of influencer marketing.

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What’s this newsletter all about?

  • TikTok users embrace ads, boosting influencer opportunities πŸš€

  • Parental consent for minors on social media πŸ‘ͺ

  • De-influencing πŸ“±

  • CBD living - one of our best player week brands πŸ”₯

  • Meet Kim, a great influencer πŸ”₯

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 πŸš€ TikTok users embrace ads, boosting influencer opportunities

A recent study by Statista reveals that TikTok users are more receptive to ads compared to general internet users. 38% of TikTok users are willing to tolerate ads in exchange for free access to services, 4% more than the total number of adults surveyed.

Almost 15% of TikTok users struggle to distinguish between advertising and other content. Creating native-looking campaigns that align with the broader user experience makes TikTok ads less disruptive and more likely to blend in with overall platform usage.

Additionally, 18% of TikTok users are not concerned about their personal data being used for advertising purposes, 5 percentage points higher than general web users.

How can this help influencers?

  • Higher ad tolerance: TikTok users' higher tolerance for ads means creators and influencers can incorporate sponsored content more seamlessly without alienating their audience.

  • Native-looking campaigns: By creating content that blends with the platform's style, influencers can achieve better engagement and positive responses from their followers.

  • Less concern about data usage: With TikTok users showing less concern about personal data usage for ads, influencers can leverage targeted advertising more effectively to reach their intended audience.

  • Better monetization: The receptiveness of TikTok users to ads can lead to increased opportunities for creators and influencers to monetize their content through brand partnerships and sponsored posts.

  • Stronger brand collaborations: Influencers can build more successful and authentic collaborations with brands by creating content that aligns with both the brand's message and the TikTok platform's user experience.

πŸ‘ͺ Parental consent for minors on social media

Is it appropriate for parents to have that ability?

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The House Ways and Means Committee passed an amended bill requiring parental permission for minors to create accounts on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

Key points:

  • The original bill aimed to bar those under 18 from creating or using social media accounts

  • Revisions now allow parents or guardians to approve access

  • Changes followed concerns from companies like Amazon and Microsoft

  • The updated bill specifically defines "social media platforms"

  • The primary goal of the legislation is to address data collection concerns

The amended bill ensures that:

  • Applications like Google Classroom remain unaffected

  • Parents have the choice to allow their children on social media, increasing their involvement in their children's internet use

  • Social media platforms can only collect data on minors with parental permission

The legislation is part of a broader movement to regulate minors' social media use, with similar measures being considered in states like Utah, Arkansas, and Minnesota. The Iowa bill now moves on to consideration by the full House.

You can read more here.

↔️ The rise of influencers urging responsible consumer choices

Deinfluencing is an emerging trend on social media platforms, particularly TikTok, where influencers shift from promoting products to advising their followers against purchasing specific items. By sharing their honest opinions about products they find disappointing, overpriced, or unsuitable, deinfluencers provide a more transparent alternative to the traditional promotional content on social media.

This movement, which has gained significant traction with over 430 million views on TikTok, can be seen as a response to rising inflation or even an anti-consumerist movement, urging individuals to make more informed decisions and refrain from spending their money on products that don't offer value. Through deinfluencing, influencers contribute to a more authentic and critical online environment, promoting responsible consumer behavior.

πŸ”₯ New brand on Social Cat

CBD Living, established in 2013, specializes in high-quality hemp-derived CBD products. Their innovative use of nanotechnology increases the bioavailability of CBD by up to 90%, allowing for more efficient absorption. With this cutting-edge approach, CBD Living delivers superior products that reach stores worldwide, benefiting consumers with enhanced CBD effects.

πŸ”₯ Influencer shoutout

Kim is a talented digital creator and UGC (user-generated content) expert, who has made a name for herself in the realms of fashion and lifestyle. Hailing from Long Island, New York, she has a flair for creating engaging content that resonates with her audience. With over 80 successful collaborations under her belt, and another 130 in progress, Kim is a highly sought-after influencer who knows how to deliver results. Her vibrant personality, combined with her passion for fashion, truly sets her apart in the influencer world.

See ya next time. Cheers!

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